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#65 <<< Core Set (基本セット) #66 >>> #67

Haas-Bioroid (ハース=バイオロイド)
Upgrade (アップグレード): Connection (コネ)
Rez Cost (レゾコスト): 2
Strength (強度): 2
Influence Value (影響値): 1

Card Text:
All ice protecting this server has +1 strength.

カードテキスト (日本語):

Flavor Text:
Floyd felt the anger in the man before him, ranting against simulants. His programming pushed a routine rebuttal to the front of his thoughts, and the urge to speak it was overwhelming. This is only gong to make things worse, he thought.


Illus. (イラストレーター): Mauricio Herrera

最終更新:2014年12月22日 16:47