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#43 <<< Core Set (基本セット) #44 >>> #45

Shaper (シェイパー)
Program (プログラム)
Install Cost (インストールコスト): 5
Memory Cost (メモリーコスト): 2
Influence Value (影響値): 2

Card Text:
[Click]: Gain 2[Credits].

カードテキスト (日本語):
[クリック]: 2[クレジット]得る。

Flavor Text.
The Great Work was completed on a rainy Thursday afternoon. There were no seismic shifts, no solar flares, no sign from the earth or heavens that the world had changed. But upstalk in Heinlein, on a single Cybsoft manufactured datacore, the flickering data quantums of an account began to fill with creds. Real, honest-to-goodness UN certified creds.

フレーバーテキスト (日本語):

Illus. (イラストレーター): Outland Entertainment LLC

最終更新:2014年12月22日 13:54